This presents a question as to why we haven't developed our own carbon dating labs. The world says 4000 BC and we propose almost 2000 years younger. Yet we present zero scientific dating evidence. Where is all this $$ going to Creationists actually end up? Their bank accounts? I just see a lot of talking and very little scientific evidence being produced. In a relevant sense, popular evangelists have the same $$ issue as we don't see their books and know they are spending wisely.

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Here is a rececnt peer reviewed paper proposing how to recalibrate the carbon dating curve.


In my opinion carbon dating will be replaced by rehydroxylation dating because the latter is more accurate and works with all fired ceramics, bricks or pottery, and the cost of a lab to do the testing yourself is under $10,000. A carbon-14 testing lab costs a minimum of $1 million.


Pottery is extremely common at all sites of the Neolithic and later. The problem will be finding test material of known date to calibrate the curve. I think bricks from Shalmaneser III's ziggurat would be ideal, because his date is not controversial to either creationists or evolutionists.

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What is the significance of the different positioning for men and women?

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Joshua, I do not know. But it could be related to the idea of modesty. Perhaps lying flat on their back was viewed as undignified for women. Another possibility is that it referred to status. The fetal position is more childlike.

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