Crazy parallel between Lamech's math and Jesus' math. Also really cool was your pointing out God's mercy toward Cain in granting him a lighter sentence than he deserved and toward the antediluvian world in giving them the entire lifespan of the oldest man to have ever lived as time to repent. It made me think of Blackstone's common law principle that "it is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer." This principle, of course, is rooted in Christianity, which is in turn rooted in the immutable and beneficent attributes of God. His mercy constantly crops up throughout the Old Testament, including in the destruction of Sodom and His concession to Abraham's plea, as well as how he gave the Canaanites over 400 years to repent of their ways before committing them to annihilation, a fact New Atheist types conveniently gloss over.

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What do you think about the water above the firmament as mentioned in Genesis 1:7? Was it a layer of ice or water above the sky? Does it still exist? Did it have anything to do with the higher oxygen levels in the antediluvian world?

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20Author

Russell Humphries hypothesized it is a shell of water around the entire universe, and it is the source of the Cosmic Background Radiation. In other words, the universe is an enormous snow globe sitting on God's mantlepiece.

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Very cool.

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