Last year Kevin Swanson of reached out to me to revise the 2nd Edition of his Ancient History Curriculum, Preparing the World for Jesus. It is a history of the world from Creation to Christ written for a 9th-grade-level audience, and fully integrated with Ussher’s Chronology of the Bible. I am fairly certain this is the only history textbook anywhere that integrates ancient history with Ussher’s Biblical Chronology using the Chronological Framework of Ancient History.
The revision turned into a complete rewrite and expansion of the book, resulting in a 721-page tome that is fairly comprehensive. It eventually led to me being promoted to co-author.
Kevin Swanson and I discuss the book in this series of interviews:
The revision turned out to be a nine-month project. And now the 2nd Edition is hot off the presses!
You can buy a copy at the following link:
If you want to try before you buy, here is a free sample PDF that contains the first three chapters:
Sample of Preparing the World for Jesus